Monday 20 June 2011

17.6.11 TCP/IP

- protocol(tatacara)
- combinasi antara TCP dan IP
- transmission control protocol, internet protocol
-  use to communicate and language to communicate 

TCP/IP layer
- application ( telnet,snmp, smtp, dhcp)
- transport ( tcp, udp)
- internet (ip, icmp)
- network access ( ethernet, token ring)

OSI layer
- application 
- presentation
- session
- trasport
- network
- data link
- physical

IP terminology ( binary 0&1)
- bit    : combination no. 0&1
- byte : scale between 7 bit & 8 bit
            1111111 - 7 bit   = 1 byte
            10101101 - 8 bit = 1 byte

- octet : sentiasa 8 bit tetap
             10101101 - 8 bit = 1 octet

IP Address
- alamat @ no tel
- ussually numerical number
- unique address
- terbahagi kepada 2

 * IPV4 ( internet protocol version)
   ~ 4 octet ( 32 bit)
   ~ 4 klas  ip address
   ~ saiz spacinng yang terdapat dalam IPV4 
       2^32 = 4,294,967,296, user sahaja
   ~ bentuk IPV4
      * binary dan demical
        contoh demical

       1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1 
      2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1  2^0
     128   64   32   16    8     4     2     1   =  255
       1      1      0     0     0     0     0     0   =  192
       1      0      1     1     1     1     1     0   =  168
       0      1      1     0     0     1     0     0   =  100
       0      0      0     0     0     0     0     1   =  1

  * IPV6
    ~ hexademical = (ABCDEF)
    ~ 128 bit ( 16 byte)
       exp: 2002:D0FI:1234:FFFB:A032:0000:0000:0000

Class of IP address (IPV4) general IP address

class A : 1 - 126
class B : 128 - 191
class C : 192 - 223
class D : 224 - 239 (reserve)
class E : 240 - 255 (experimental)

(***) dan = loopbacker / localhost
0      = network address = 00000000 = 0
255 = broadcase address = 1111111111 = 1

Private ip address

-ada 3 class :-
* class a- -,very large network
* class b- -,large network
* class c- -, small network

Static ip address vs dynamic ip address

-static ip address
* assigned by it administrator
* ip tidak berubah,baik untuk sharing fail - kebaikan
* security lemah - keburukan

- dynamic ip address
* berubah-ubah, assigned by DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server
* tidak baik untuk sharing fail - keburukan
* security baik kerana ip sentiasa berubah-ubah

Subnet mask
-similar to ip address
-4 octet
-use to identify host id & network id
-ada 3 class :-
*class a (network id,host id)
Ip 10 .1.1.1

*class b (network id,host id)
Ip 172.16 .30.30

*class c (network id,host id)
Ip 192.168.1 .1

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